
It's been such a long time since I read a journal. Felt that my brain was dead for the past 6 months.....Can't believe I actually spent almost a day to read a review!!!!!!gasps*
Then last friday, I went back to the lab for my first lab meeting. CHeesss.....I was so overloaded with information that I started to DAZE off halfway thru. Before I know it, it was over. REally have no idea I managed to survive my honours last year.
Then I got scared when I heard one of the PhD student got bitten by a mouse...(or rat?)...and has to go for vaccination. scream***I'm trying very Very hard now to come up with my research plan that does not involve any mice/rat models....please...god BLESS me...
ohOH...one more IMPORTANT thing...I finally got to have my fave mocha last week! yipee!! my gloria jean's mocha...And can you believe it? My first fave mocha was made by my cute guy! It's a good sign...maybe it means I've better luck this year.