After all the dramatic happenings...I'm finally back in Adelaide now! Yes..I know I have been complaining so much for the last few months, I shall spare you guys from the same old stories.
A big hugz n lotsa kisses to all of you who were worried for me....(^v^)
See my dear piggy? I brought it all the way to Adelaide..but before I can use it, my dear Lovette tore it. Sob sob* But what to do...she's still my cutest niece. Oh...forgot to tell you guys, for 80% of the time, she thinks she's a dinosaur. KAWAII~~~~
It has been a quiet weekend. Did nothing much since I'm back except eat n sleep in...n eat...n sleep...Not to mention catching up with all my friends. And also...I know I lost a bit of weight,BUT please stop telling me that I look OLDER now.. and I look better with my chubby cheeks. T_T
Can't help it since I have been suffering form the horrendous IBS for awhile. Yes you...I mean YOU...do not LAUGH at me for that....
Anyway, my beloved sis is in Brisbane now. Miss her heaps!! muacks muaks!! Hope she has lotsa fun....
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