pocky n chocolate

Thursday, November 09, 2006

fraser island

I'm back!! Had a great time in Brisbane..never been happier to see my dear dear SISTER...(^v^)
And not to forget the real purpose of me being in Brisbane. my FIRST conference for my candidature. It was AWSOME~~~~ Too many things that excite me...I wish I can tell you guys about EVERYTHING.

I managed to have my first ever KRISPY KREME doughnut!! Had a glazed raspberry one..okok..I admit...it was GOOD. But the trip to Fraser Island was horrendous...early flight to SYDney...then wait there for 3 hrs...then flew to hervey Bay..then take bus to jetty...then take ferry to island..then bus to resort......@_@

But it was worth it. The conference was GREAT. Met lotsa really great ppl...great scientists...and they sure love their drinks too. 300 bottles of red wine ALONE were finished on the very 1st night of the conference!!! I mean...thats excluding the white...the beer...champagne n what have you...I was truly AMAZED. Think they drank DRY the resort bar one night as well...applause*

Maybe the route to being a successful scientist is ALCOHOL. Heehee...I shall trial & error and let you guys know later. Although...as some of you know..me and alcohol, sadly, do not get along very well.

And applause to myself too. Hahahhaha!! Can't believe I'm brave enough to do this..okok..I meant thick-skinned. Imagine it was fine-dining dinner course...with all these great ppl sitting at the tabel with u. All I did was.."wa!!!food...so pretty!!I must take pic.." Then out came my digi cam...mwahahhahah...Of course my dinner was not just the above..but I was too embarrassed to do this everytime they serve me. Sad...

Anyway...I shant talk too much abt the conference. After that, I caught a ride to Brisbane city with a great bunch of ppl as well. SHall continue tmr.....I need my beauty sleep now...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

missed u while u were gone!!

10:01 PM  

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