23-4 part-2
It's SHOWTIME!! I was told that I still have a couple of bday presents that were ON HOLD. I'm not too sure what this actually means myself...hahahaha...BUT I knw my friends LOVE me...

And gorgeous MAX Brenner choc's from MELBOURNE!! I can't bear to eat it ...hahahaha
Yes yes....I can't help it but start my NARCISSISM again \(^v^)/

Momo never forgets my hello kitty...
I love you too MOMO!!

And gorgeous MAX Brenner choc's from MELBOURNE!! I can't bear to eat it ...hahahaha
HARUKI MURAKAMI- My current fave author...and his newest book...
And most important of all, ME bought a bday present for ME-SELF too...waited PAINSTAKINGLY for it to arrived for the past few months... AND who SAYS ONE can't buy presents for themselves. MWAHHAHAHAHHA~~
MY CUTEST black guitar!!!!!!! u-HOOO!! ISnt't it gorgeous?? I'm so in LOVE with it...
And erm...ya...so what if I can't play it YET....(>_<)
I WILL ...SOMEDAY.....................