lotte lotte!!

Had a really bad day yesterday. Overslept and was late for lab meeting for half an hour. Not that anyone would notice that I'm missing...but I'm quite sure they are probably thinking how irresponsible I am....ahhhhhhh~~~
my fault this time. So I quietly went in...and quietly left the room immediately after the meeting ended. so scared...hope I'm not in trouble. shrug*
SOOO...of course I have to be nice to myself after a few traumas yesterday. Didnt wanna go into details for the rest...too much explanation & I'm lazy as usual. What's best to clear your blues but FOOD?? heehee* Must introduce this REALLY REALLY nice ice-cream I bought recently.
Lotte daifuku mini ice-cream!!! It not only looks cute, but tastes delicious as well. I love my green tea ice-cream...and anythign thats chocolate. Well...havent tried the vanilla yet. Then it's u just pop into your mouth...chewy in the beginning and then comes the ice-cream that melts in your mouth...WoooooHHH~~
Lotte lotte lotte!!!! It saved my day......