the QUEEN is here~~~
The QUEEN is here!!!
yup...queen aka my mum...hahahahah...after my momo left, my mummy came for a visit. She dumped my poor daddy and brother at let them rot.
The QUEEN's visit is as dramatic as my momo. As most of my close frens knw, my mum..she is not normal. nonoOONOO...she's not crazy LA!! what I meant is she don't behave like what mothers should half of the time. And the things she says and do still SHOCK me NOW. SHOCKU~~~~~
And NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Pls don't say my mum is more COOL than me anymore...sob (*n*)
karen (>v<): MUMMY ..DADDY!! I got my tattoo!!u-hoooooo
mummy (getting excited): realy?!! where wheere? what what?? how how?? !!
karen: back of my waist...
mummy: eWwwW~~ why not get one at your ankle?!!it's nicer there...what design did you have?
karen (excitement diminished): I got a bunny..
mummy: eeeWWWWWW~~~ why did you get such a USELESS animal??!! you really have no taste.......tsk tsk tsk
karen(excitement all gone): (><")

PS: I still love you mummy...
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