holidays anyone??
I've been having such good times these few months that I have no time for my blog. HAhahahahha!! Now it's time for me to catch up.

This year has been a real fruitful year...with heaps of visitors from home which absolutely perk me up. hehehehehehe....anyone of u out there planning for holidays?? COme to adelaide!! I'll be here waiting for CHUUUUUUUUU!!
First in line was LIWEI. gosh....I haven't seen him for donkey years. We had a great time together...trying to irritate JANE.mwahahhahahah!! well...can't help it. We are both quite well known for our 毒舌 (poisonous tongue)...and we only have jane to irritate here (>v<)

CRAP!!! I meant to put up more pics to show you guys but I can't find them. So for the time being, I'll show you some quotes that I found in a chocolate shop in Handorf, which I absolutely ADORE...
Quote 1:

Quote 2:
And after justifying your need for can get one of these in the shop to save you from your cravings....

to be continued.......(when I can find the erst of my hoo)
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